3406 Topeka Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 For Sale
- $107316
- 2 beds
- 1 baths
- 1044 sqft
- Price:
- $107316
- Address:
- 3406 Topeka Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 - Square Feet:
- 1044
- Bedrooms:
- 2
- Bathrooms:
- 1
- Terms:
- For Sale
- Property Type:
- Home
Additional Features
✅ Property type: Single family 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom SQFT: 1,044 Year Built: 1950 Lot size 6,246 Rents $1400-$1800/month ✅ Check out these recently Sold Comps: 3462 Austin St - Sold As-Is $169,999 3050 Austin St - Sold for $259,000 625 McCall St - Sold for $189,000 ✅ EXIT STRATEGY This property has the potential to be a rental property or just renovated and used as a single-family home.